Realistic Expectations
Consider how to set realistic goals for what you want to change
Exploring this website might be a sign that you are ready to make some changes in your life. You might have a sense that this isn’t going to be easy and might be a struggle sometimes.
At the same time, it might feel like things are a struggle already and it’s time for things to change as soon as possible.
There can be a real sense of ‘c’mon, I’m ready, let’s get on with it!’ It’s important to try and stay realistic about how much can change and how quickly.
It’s okay to take things one step at a time. Trying to work it all out at once can become overwhelming and frustrating.
It can be helpful to try and focus on something one small thing you can control at a time, such as committing to doing one of the self-help exercises each week, or making a change to your evening routine.
That might feel like a small change but it is important and will have an impact over time.
Making changes requires repetition, so it’s more about how regularly you do something than how long you do it for.