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1in6.uk releases a new film: ‘A Conversation Between Two Survivors’

1in6.uk has released a new film featuring an open and honest conversation about what it means to be a survivor between performer, poet, and survivor, Tanaka Mhishi and playwright and survivor, Patrick Sandford.

By Gary Pleece · August 17, 2022

In this extraordinary film, Tanaka and Patrick talk about what it means to be a survivor and, indeed, if that is the right term to call someone who has had an unwanted sexual experience.

The discussion also covers issues such as race, sexuality, relationships, and recovery. What’s apparent throughout this film is the positivity that both men have in terms of where they are now in their lives. It’s truly inspirational to hear them talk. Tanaka believes that people who have ‘suffered’ trauma from unwanted sexual experiences, can go on to make the best partners and parents.

Being a survivor of unwanted sexual experiences can be hard, but with the right support, advice, and people to listen to like Tanaka and Patrick, there is a way through to a better life.

Watch the film below and take care if you are watching alone.

Read more about Tanaka here

Read more about Patrick here