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1in6.uk releases a new film featuring playwright, survivor and trustee of Mankind UK, Patrick Sandford

1in6.uk has released a new film in response to the request for advice about how to speak to a friend about sexual abuse. It is the first step towards healing for many people, and can be the hardest.

By LucyHughes · April 5, 2022

1in6.uk has released a new film in response to supporters and family members requests for help and advice about how to talk about sexual abuse.

It’s a conversation between two men. One is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and and the other isn’t and wants to help and support him.

It’s an amazing and powerful insight into what can lead people to keep sexual abuse as a secret for many years, and what others can do to support them.

Patrick talks openly and candidly in this conversation with comedian and ally, John Ryan, about his abuse and how he found his ‘way through.’

Patrick was abused over a school year by his primary school teacher at the age of 9 and 10.The psychological consequences of his abuse were catastrophic for Patrick. He developed a self-loathing and a hyper-vigilance which meant trusting anyone was immeasurably challenging for him.

He didn’t commence therapy until he was 35 and he then wrote a dramatised testimony about the psychological after effects of trauma which he performed himself called, Groomed. 1in6.uk will be promoting Groomed at The Garden Cinema in Covent Garden on June 15th this year. Tickets are available here.

They have a frank and honest conversation about how to talk about sexual abuse and how Patrick found a way through. A note of caution before watching the film featuring Patrick and John: it is a fascinating and insightful conversation, however, it might trigger some thoughts or feelings for survivors or those who haven’t yet processed their trauma, so please take care if viewing alone.

Patrick Sandford is a playwright, survivor and trustee of Mankind UK, and John Ryan is a comedian and ally of 1in6.uk.

watch the film here